
Articles Posted in automobile accidents


Jury Awards $13 million in Fatal Car Accident Case

Senseless Tennessee car accident cases that involve alcohole have seem to become common place. The anger directed at these avoidable tragedies is often reflected in the jury awards According to this case, Duane Arlen Clark struck Keara Kroelinger after she was stopped at a light and pulled out when it…


Parents File Lawsuit against General Motors and the School District after Their Daughter was killed in a Vehicle Accident

Car accidents can result in even more serious injuries when the vehicles may not have been properly tested by their manufacturers. the parents of fifteen Skylar Carpenter filed a Tennessee Auto Accident lawsuit against General Motors and her school district after Skylar was killed in a motor vehicle accident in…


Tennessee Court ruled Metro had ‘no duty’ to summon closer ambulance for man after Car Accident

In Tennessee the legislature is pushing a new agenda of tort reform to make Tennessee a more “business friendly” state. However, is this agenda putting our citizens at risk? One was to see the results of tort reform is to consider cases against the government. Since they right the laws…


Accidents Caused by Cell Phone Use While Driving Cost Employers Millions in Jury Awards

Distracted driving as a result of cell phones has become an epidemic problem in this country. 39 of our 50 states have laws limiting the use of cell phones while driving. Now after some record civil judgments the business world is attempting to curb the use of cell phones of…

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