More Common Workers’ Compensation Mistake: Being Late For or Missing Medical Appointments

Tennessee work comp claims are often difficult to prove and may result in a lack of compensation for the injured employee if common mistakes are made during the process. In an earlier blog post, I discussed the importance of seeking medical treatment soon after an injury and how a failure to do so can lead to the insurance company feeling that the injury is not sufficient enough to justify compensation. Another common mistake that people may make when wanting to pursue a TN workers’ compensation claim is related to this one and that is a failure to be on time for or missing medical appointments.

Many people may think that they do not need to keep going for medical treatment after first being treated for the injury or that missing an appointment or two is not that important to their case. However, failing to show up for scheduled medical appointments is recorded in your medical records and if the court sees that you have missed several appointments, this may lead them to believe that your injury is not as severe as you claim or that you are not as commitment to your treatment as you should be. This can lead the court to question your injury and your claim and may cause it to be rejected. This is why it is important to always be on time for your appointments or to give twenty-four hours notice if you need to reschedule an appointment. This will help to prove to the court that you need the medical treatment and that you care about your treatment and also that this claim is very important to you.

If you or someone you know has suffered from a workplace injury, then we recommend that you contact a Tennessee workers’ compensation attorney with our legal team. We care about our clients and will help answer any questions you may about your case.

Contact us online or call us at 800.705.2121 to set up a FREE consultation to discuss your legal options.

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