
Tennessee Workers Exposed to Benzene

This week we just concluded a case where a man is dying from myelogenous leukemia. Our client worked around diesel fuel for the past twenty years. It is our belief that the cancer was called by a chemical known as Benzene. Unfortunately, we have other similar cases from Benzene exposure.

Benzene is commonly used throughout the country in plastics, rubber, resins, and synthetic fabrics, as well as fuels, paints and a number of other common items. Exposure to high levels of benzene has been associated with cases of leukemia, cancer, acute myelogenous leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, and chronic myelogenous leukemia, as well as many other types.

What is upsetting about this case and other similar cases we have is that my practice is reactive. When the family sits in my office the tragedy has occurred. I can’t undue the events; we can only seek some relief in a Court room. I am making this post to let everyone know of the dangers of benzene. Perhaps if more people know of the problems they can take precautions, stay healthy and be proactive to avoid the potential dangers of this chemical.

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