
Tennessee truck accidents

Over the past couple of months there have been several devastating automobile accidents in Tennessee. Also, the tragic death of Metro Officer Christy Dedman, who was struck and killed by a tractor-trailer while assisting a stranded motorist on I-40 in July 2004, in Nashville, Tennessee helped bring to light the impact of these accidents on families and the public and prompted a change in the law.

After the Dedman accident an initiative began which lead to the MOVE OVER law in Tennessee. The move over law requires drivers who are approaching a stopped emergency responder of any kind on a highway or interstate to move over if a lane is available, or to slow down if you cannot change lanes.

This has been a great initiative to avoid senseless loses. I believe are next step to avoid accidents is to strictly enforce laws requiring truckers to comply with the hours restrictions placed upon them by the federal government. To often, truck drivers are forced by their company to get products to the destination no matter what the cost. This often results in the drivers pushing themselves behind their limits. Truck drivers who routinely get too little sleep or suffer from sleep apnea show signs of fatigue and impaired performance that can make them a hazard on the road.

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