
Tennessee Employmen Lawyer, Jim Higgins, Discusses Retaliation Claims

Recently the Department of Labor released a study setting forth the most common employment law complaint filed with the EEOC. As in years past, the most common employment law claim is retaliation. This is no surprise to the Tennessee Employment Law Division of our office.

What is puzzling about this statistic is the “why”. I can’t count how many cases I have had where employees are mistreated after making a complaint to their boss or HR department. The most strange part of this is if the employer would have simply took the time to fix an underlying situation instead of punishing an employee looking for help the matter would likely have ended there instead of a courtroom.

Recently, our Nashville Labor Lawyer, Jim Higgins was interviewed on this topic. You can watch the interview below:



If you have an employment law question, please feel free to contact of our Tennessee Wrongful Discharge lawyers.

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