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Tennessee Employees File Lawsuit against Sheriff’s Office over Pay

In this case, the employees of a Tennessee Sheriff’s office filed a class action lawsuit against their employer claiming they were not paid properly for all the hours they worked. The lawsuit also states that the employees were not compensated at the required rates of the Metro Pay Plan, which determines pay for civil service workers. The class action claim is an amendment to a federal lawsuit that was filed over a year ago by Michael Murphy, a correctional officer at the sheriff’s office from 2005 until April of this year.

The claim states that two hundred and forty sheriff’s office employees agreed to participle in the lawsuit. Vonda Noel who worked at detention centers and jails for the sheriff’s office since 2004 is now a plaintiff in the lawsuit with Murphy. The employees claim that they often worked overtime without getting paid during the “clearing count” process at the correctional facilities. The lawsuit also claims that the sheriff’s office often paid their employees hourly rates that were less than those required by the city’s pay plan.

In Tennessee and all across the United States, when employees go to work, they expect to be paid for all the hours they work. If they work any hours over forty in one week, then they are also entitled to receive overtime pay. Unfortunately, many companies and businesses find ways around giving their employees the overtime pay they deserve and many employers just fail to pay it completely. If you or someone you know has worked overtime hours but not received your overtime pay, then you should talk to a Tennessee employment overtime pay lawyer as soon as possible. They will work with you and make sure you get the pay that is rightfully yours.

Cases similar to this one occur all too often to employees all across the country and even to Tennessee employees. If you or someone you work with has worked overtime hours but feel that you have not been properly compensated for your overtime, then we strongly encourage you to contact one of our caring and experienced Tennessee employment overtime pay attorneys immediately. We care our clients and will work with you to see to it that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Contact us online or call us at 800.705.2121 to set up a FREE consultation to discuss your legal options

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