
Tennessee considers dog bite laws

Okay, first of all let me be clear. I love dogs. All types and sizes. I have always had dogs and always will. However, I also think it is only fair to society that I be completely responsible for my dogs. Like any animal they can be unpredictable at times. No matter how well we think we know them they may act different around strangers. That is why I support the new proposed tougher dog liability law.

Each year approximate a dozen people nationwide die from dog bites, according to estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Also, according to the State Health Department in 2005 over 7,000 Tennesseans sought treatment for dog bites, and an additional 188 were hospitalized.
Currently under Tennessee law a person must know that there dog is dangerous before they can be held responsible. I think if we are going to have an animal then we are responsible for its actions no matter how unexpected they may be. One of the proposed laws would allow dog owners to be prosecuted for the first time their animals damage property or injure someone, including if the incident happens on their own property. There would be exceptions for dogs protecting owners from real danger.

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