
Some Tennessee Employers try to Escape Overtime by Paying a Salary

One of the most common overtime violations we see arises when an employer believes they can escape paying overtime by paying a salary. Unfortunately, many workers also believe this misconception. Put simply it is now how you are paid that determines if you are legally entitled to overtime but it is what you do.

In general unless you are exempt from overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act (flsa) you are entitled to overtime pay when you work over 40 hours in a week. There are several exceptions but the most common exception is if you are a manager. This does not mean you are called a manager but that you act like a manager and have the authority of a manager. If you do not have manager authority you are likely entitled to overtime pay. This law applies not only to Tennessee but it is a federal law so it applies to all 50 states.

If you believe that you may be entitled to overtime pay, feel free to contact one of our Tennessee employment lawyers.

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