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Age Discrimination Cases Potentially Impacted by Proposed Law

In June of this year, the United States Supreme Court issued a ruling that required workers to prove that age was the deciding factor for an adverse employment decision and not just one of many factors such as cost savings or performance. In other words, the employer could be shielded from liability from age discrimination lawsuits by claiming that “yes, we did fire Ms. Jones because she is old but that wasn’t the only reason.” Fortunately, the legislature is looking to repair this injustice.

The new bill that has been introduced would require employers to prove that they have complied with age discrimination laws. This would help insure our aging population is treated fairly. That a person is rewarded for hard work alone and treated differently as a result of age. It would help our workers in Tennessee and throughout the country.

I would hope that you would contact your congressman to say you support this bill. If you have any questions about this bill or employment law, please feel free to contact my Tennessee law offices.

What Our Clients Say
When my mother was neglected in a nursing home I was referred to The Higgins Firm for help. They did a great job representing my family and obtained a significant settlement. Hopefully, this will keep someone else's parent from being mistreated in the future. Angie S.
I have a large collection practice and don't handle personal injury cases. Instead of simply declining a case, I referred it to The Higgins Firm. They handled everything. My client got a large recovery and I got a large co-counsel fee. The client and I were both very happy. Attorney Bo Melton
The best injury lawyers in Nashville. They represented my son in a car accident case and did an awesome job. James D.