
Nashville Man Seriously Injured by MTA Bus

Thirty-nine-year-old William Hamilton Jr. was crossing Broadway at Third Avenue In Nashville, Tennessee on his way home from work Monday evening when he was struck by a Metro Transit Authority bus. The collision left Hamilton with broken ribs, a deflated lung, and several other injuries. The bus driver, Dujuan Thompson, who was turning left onto Broadway when he hit Hamilton, was cited for his failure to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk. He will continue driving city buses for the MTA while the accident is reviewed and William Hamilton Jr. heals from his injuries.

Automobiles are so commonplace in our culture that we take them and the dangers they pose to us for granted. Most of us simply accept the six-million US car accidents per year as a part of our lives, and only truly grasp how great that number is when we or someone we love becomes one of the three-million people injured or killed by those accidents.

This past Monday, the true dangers of automobiles became quite real to William Hamilton, Jr. and his family. While his injuries were not maliciously inflicted, he would be able to walk home from work today if only the bus driver had been more attentive. Hamilton, like all other individuals injured as a result of another’s negligence, deserves to be provided with the best medical attention possible and enough money to make up for his lost wages and recovery. If you or a loved one has a story like Hamilton’s, make sure you were properly compensated. If you suspect that you weren’t, we are here to help.

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