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Most Common Overtime Pay Myths

The amount of overtime pay violations occurring in this country is staggering. In our office we refer to these cases as “wage theft” cases. In other words, they involve people that have worked hard for their employer yet they are cheated out of wages that they have earned. This can come in the form of working the employee off the clock or failing to pay the employee overtime wages for working over 40 hours per week. Recently, I was interviewed about common overtime myths that we see in our office. You can watch the interview below:


If you believe that you have been denied overtime pay please call one of our Tennessee Overtime Pay Lawyers today.

What Our Clients Say
When my mother was neglected in a nursing home I was referred to The Higgins Firm for help. They did a great job representing my family and obtained a significant settlement. Hopefully, this will keep someone else's parent from being mistreated in the future. Angie S.
I have a large collection practice and don't handle personal injury cases. Instead of simply declining a case, I referred it to The Higgins Firm. They handled everything. My client got a large recovery and I got a large co-counsel fee. The client and I were both very happy. Attorney Bo Melton
The best injury lawyers in Nashville. They represented my son in a car accident case and did an awesome job. James D.