
Black Mold Sickens Another Nashville Resident

Yesterday Claudia Pinto writing for the Tennessean reported what Nashville personal injury lawyers have known for almost a decade now: toxic mold is a big problem in Tennessee.

Perhaps the reader recalls two years ago the Nashville firefighters who came down with toxic mold-related health problems and were awarded three-quarters of a million dollars for their loss of work and quality of life. If not, it’s time to refresh Tennesseans’ memories like Ms. Pinto did yesterday in her article “Unhealthy Mold Easily Takes Hold in Tennessee Homes.”

The subject of the Tennessean article was a Madison, TN woman suffering from “frequent headaches, sinus infections and bouts of bronchitis” and who did not realize the “black mold” growing in her home was the cause. Toxic mold is a bit of a misnomer as the mold itself is not toxic. Instead, its mycotoxins, certain chemicals the mold has developed to kill other molds and prevent them from growing nearby, that are. The most common toxic mold is black mold, which is a dark green or black-green mold better classified by its Latin name Stachybotrys chartarum (formerly called Stachybotrys atra).

Apparently The Metro Health Department receives “roughly 25 calls a month from people who want guidance on how to rid their homes of the fungus.” Memphis is particularly hard hit by this health hazard. Common culprits promoting mold growth are humidity, leaky pipes, and flooding-all of which we have too much of in Memphis.

Other side effects of toxic mold include fatigue, sinus problems, migranes, nosebleeds, and a persistent cough. According to The Tennessean article, the Madison woman never got sick before moving into her mold-infested house. Her health problems have cost her plenty over the past four years of doctor’s visits and medicine.

Contact us if you suspect your illness is due to toxic mold exposure. HHP accepts clients throughout Tennessee.

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