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Aflac Company agrees to pay former employee almost $17,000 in FMLA Lawsuit

When a Tennessee employee or other employee across the United States is suffering from a medical condition or one of their family members is, their employer is required by law to make them eligible for twelve weeks of unpaid, job protected leave per year under the Family Medical Leave Act. Unfortunately, some companies find ways around this law or terminate the employee when they take the leave. If you feel that your rights under FMLA have been violated, then you should talk to a Tennessee employment FMLA lawyer right away. They will work with you and make sure you get the compensation you need.

According to this lawsuit, the American Family Life Assurance Company or Aflac violated the Family Medical Leave Act when they fired an employee who took intermittent leave because of a serious medical condition. The investigation was conducted by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division. Aflac claims that they failed to classify the leave under FMLA because the employee did not submit a timely request for the leave. The investigation by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division showed that the request had indeed been submitted in a timely manner.

Aflac has agreed to pay the former employee $16,882. As part of the agreement, Aflac is to maintain compliance with FMLA by properly classifying employees’ FMLA leave in the future.

Cases just like this one happen all too often to employees all over the United States as well as here to Tennessee employees. If you or someone you work with feels that your rights under the Family Medical Leave Act have been violated, then we strongly encourage you to contact one of our compassionate and experienced Tennessee employment FMLA attorneys immediately. We care about our clients and will work with you to make sure that your rights are upheld and that you receive the compensation you are entitled to by law.

Contact us online or call us at 800.705.2121 to set up a FREE consultation to discuss your legal options

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