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95 Million Awarded in Harassment Suit against Aaron’s Rent to Own Store

In Tennessee and all across the country, when workers go to their workplace they expect to be treated equally and with respect. However, many times companies fail to protect their employees from sexual harassment from other workers or from their supervisors. If you or someone you love has faced harassment while at work, then you should speak with a Tennessee employment lawyer right away. They will work with you and make sure you get the compensation you deserve for what you have been through.

In this case, Ashley Alford claimed she was employed at an Aaron’s store from 2005 to 2006 and said that her store manager, Richard Moore, made verbally sexually offensive comments to her as well as inappropriately touched her and sexually assaulted her. She also claims that she told a supervisor and contacted a company hotline but the company did not take any action to end the harassment. The U.S. District Court ruled that Alford should receive $15 million in compensatory damages and $80 million in punitive damages from the company.
The Aaron’s company said “it intends to appeal the verdict, saying the award does not accurately reflect the evidence in the case.” The company also said, “Aaron’s is committed to establishing and building a strong, professional and respectful employee culture, in every community we serve and in every store we operate,” according to the company’s president and CEO, Robin Loudermilk.
Due to federal limits on damages, the final amount awarded may be reduced to $40 million and attorney’s fees.

Cases similar to this one happen all too frequently all across the United States and even to workers in Tennessee. If you or someone you know have suffered from sexual harassment or any other type of harassment while at work, you should contact one of our experienced and caring Tennessee employment attorneys immediately. We will hear your case and work with you to make sure you receive the compensation you are entitled to for your suffering. Contact us online or call us at 800.705.2121 to set up a FREE consultation to discuss your legal options.

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When my mother was neglected in a nursing home I was referred to The Higgins Firm for help. They did a great job representing my family and obtained a significant settlement. Hopefully, this will keep someone else's parent from being mistreated in the future. Angie S.
I have a large collection practice and don't handle personal injury cases. Instead of simply declining a case, I referred it to The Higgins Firm. They handled everything. My client got a large recovery and I got a large co-counsel fee. The client and I were both very happy. Attorney Bo Melton
The best injury lawyers in Nashville. They represented my son in a car accident case and did an awesome job. James D.