
Another Common Tennessee Worker’s Compensation Mistake: Failure to be Honest with the Doctor about Medical History and Personal Habits

Tennessee workers’ compensation claims can be complicated to win in court if the case lacks credibility or if the injury itself is called in question. This can happen most often if an employee fails to be totally honest with their doctor about their medical history and personal habits as well as any other necessary information needed for the doctor to provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Many clients may not see a reason to tell their doctor about a particular medical condition or personal habit. Some clients may even feel embarrassed about revealing certain information; however, failing to provide accurate information to your doctor can lead to misdiagnosis of the injury as well as improper treatment for it. This may not only cause you to suffer more pain and problems in the future but it can cause your case for workers’ compensation to be weakened because it can damage your credibility and the court may even question the injury completely causing the case to be rejected or destroyed. If this occurs, you may not receive the compensation you need for your injury. This is why it is important to be as honest with your doctor as possible about your medical history and any personal habits that may affect the diagnosis of your injury.

If you or someone you know has been injured while on the job, feel free to contact one of our knowledgeable and compassionate Tennessee workers’ compensation attorneys. We have a workers’ compensation legal division ready to answer any questions you may have.

Contact us online or call us at 800.705.2121 to set up a FREE consultation to discuss your legal options.

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