
Trucker’s Apparent Disregard for Safety Appears to be at the Core of Wrongful Death Lawsuit

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations were created with the goal of keeping our road safe. One key area of the act is to limit the number of hours a truck driver can operate his or her vehicle. The obvious purpose of this restriction is to simply keep the truck driver from operating the truck while they are too tired. Doing so will only put the public in danger as well as the truck driver. Unfortunately, our Tennessee Truck Accident Lawyers have seen the deadly result of a fatigued driver too many times.

A tragic example of the dangers of driving while fatigued can be seen in a recently filed trucking wrongful death lawsuit. Jim Higgins recently gave an interview to discuss this tragic case. You can watch the interview below:



If you have been the victim of a trucking company ignoring safety regulations please feel free to call one of our Tennessee Auto Accident Lawyers. We will do all we can to make sure a company doesn’t put profits over the safety of your friends and family.

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