
Tort Reform Challenge to Tennessee Meningitis Cases

When tort reform was passed in Tennessee a couple of years ago the big selling point was that it would stop “frivolous lawsuits” . This was a great selling point but it was not true. Tort reform does nothing to stop bad lawsuits it only impacts the most tragic cases. The greatest current example of the real impact of Tennessee Tort Reform can be seen in the current meningitis cases pending in Tennessee.

As these cases move forward it appears that these companies placed profits over the public safety. We have serveral of theses cases and the impact of the negligent actions has been devastating for our clients. One recent case filed in Tennessee involves a man who lost his wife after she was infected with the tainted steroid. The husband has lou gehrig disease and was completely dependent on his wife for care. This is the type of case that will be impacted by the $750,000.00 cap tort reform impacts. I guess the Tennessee legislature thinks this is a frivolous lawsuit.

I was recently interviewed about this challenge to tort reform. You can watch the interview below:

If you would like to speak with one of our Tennessee Wrongful Death Lawyers, feel free to contact our office today.

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