
Food and Drug Administration Considers New Safety Measures for Yaz

Bayer Pharmaceuticals, the producer of Yasmin and Yaz is currently dealing with approximately 10,458 federal lawsuits. Evidence for Yasmin and Yaz lawsuits includes reports from the Food and Drug Administration tying a minimum of fifty deaths to the use of the birth control pill from 2004 to 2008. The deaths are alleged to have happened as a result of one or more of the side effects of Yaz related blood clots, including heart attack, strokes and blockage in the lungs or blood vessels.

The sales of these contraceptives and others for Bayer result in $1.58 billion in sales of Yaz in the last year. Based on this evidence, Bayer had strong financial reasons to deny or even cover up Yaz blood clot side effects. An FDA commissioner argues that Bayer failed to include an analysis of Yasmin increased blood clots in the United States consumers in the research it gave to the agency to approve the contraceptive.

In October the Food and Drug Administration, stated to the general public that women taking Yaz or any other contraceptive containing drospirenone were seventy-four percent more likely to have blood clots then people who didn’t use the birth control pills. The FDA based this warning on research taken from data on 835,826 women who took Yasmin or Yaz.

When Yaz and Yasmin were introduced in 2001, it has seemed to many that Bayer has attempted to keep information hidden about the contraceptive’s blood clotting side effects. In 2003, the Food and Drug Administration began stating their concerns over the rate of blood clots developing in women who took Yaz. The concern started following six deaths related to blood clots in people who took the contraceptive in 2003. Bayer answered these concerns by confirming the drug dangerous side effects.

If you or someone you love has suffered serious injury or even death as a result of taking Yasmin or Yaz, then we encourage you to contact one of our knowledgeable and caring Tennessee Yaz attorneys immediately. We care about our clients and will work with you to make sure you receive the compensation you are entitled to by law.

Contact us online or call us at 800.705.2121 to set up a FREE consultation to discuss your legal options

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