
Accutane Medication has dangerous side effects leading to lawsuit

We all take over the counter medicines and prescriptions for our illnesses, aches, and pains, or health problems, even here in Tennessee. When we take these medicines we expect that they will make us feel better and not worse. We all know that every medicine has some risks of side effects or allergic reaction, but we expect that the drug companies will put the health of the consumer, before their sales and warn us about these side effects. However, this is unfortunately not always the case.

Accutane is a drug prescribed for acne and other inflammatory problems or pain issues. However, many people have discovered that this medicine can have some severe and very serious and even dangerous long term effects. The minor side effects may include but are not limited to:
• Dry skin and lips • Nose bleeds • Rash • Irritation of the eyes • Blurred vision • Nausea • Mood changes • Severe stomach pain • Joint and muscle pains • Yellowing of the skin • Hair loss
Some more serious and possibly life alternating side effects may include but are not limited to:
• Depression and suicidal thoughts • Birth defects • Permanent loss of vision • Arthritis
• Stevens Johnson Syndrome
Some of these side effects may seem worse than others, but one of the more serious ones is Stevens Johnson Syndrome. This is a severe allergic reaction to over the counter and prescription drugs that can lead to severe rashes and burning of the skin from the inside out. It is seen mostly in people that are sensitive to medicines and are between twenty to forty years old. However, it can be seen in infants as well as anyone who takes medicine. The Food and Drug Administration have started putting warning labels on medicines that at a higher risk for this kind of reaction.

Many people across the country and even right here in Tennessee have suffered from the harmful side effects of accutane. This happens because some companies believe in profits before safety. If you or someone you love has suffered due to accutane, then please contact one of our experienced and caring Tennessee dangerous and defective product attorneys right away. We will hear your case, and make sure that you get the treatment and compensation you deserve for your suffering. Contact us online or call us at 800.705.2121 to set up a FREE consultation to discuss your legal options.

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